Saturday, September 4, 2010

Birthday Resolutions- Hard to keep!

Every year on my birthday i analyse my entire last year, pat my back myself for my achievements and kick myself for all my small stupid mistakes and big blunders.
Similarly, every year i make resolutions on my birthday. This year was no exception.
Yes, resolutions were different this time.....
I love myself for this, my resolutions are never same, i don't care a damn whether my last resolutions got fulfilled or not.....look i m so progressive :)
So this year:-
Topping the list is my promise to myself to loose weight, this is one resolution i had made first time in life, earlier need never arose.Resolution to exercise daily, very seriously.
The next is that i shall take care of myself, of my breakfast, my dinner and would not for once skip a glass of milk in the morning. Motto of the year-"good health for a good life"

It is not even one weak and these two resolutions are lost from my mind...i m searching hard but unable to find them in any corner of my mind.... I had 2 motichur laddos yesterday, followed by a cad-bury crackle chocolate and then one veg surprise. Yes, the weight loose and health plans are going high.......cheers to me!
Exercise and yoga are good but i hate to disturb my beauty sleep. How can i think of a perfect body on the cost of my facial beauty.....I am not that mindless!
Please do not consider me lazy, i run whole day in courts to get relief for my clients. How could i be lazy?????, no, not at all..

I remember last year i made the resolution to write more. To complete my 12 poems for the Delhi Police calender but till date only seven poems are complete......good job!..... congratulations to me.

I often think:-

I have number of beautiful clothes lying in my closet waiting for their turn to come, they really need some breath, they are dying to come out in the fresh air.....just a little hard work, just few pounds gone here and there could save them....but how can i debar this fat from my body which is now a second skin to me...I have started loving this slightly plump look of myself....

Just after 1 Weeks, i have come to my usual lazy self, running away from work outs, gulping mango drinks, hogging would be exaggeration so i would say eating all that god forbidden stuff... now??

After thinking hard for a better and then best end for this post....i have reached to the conclusion that i shall wait for my birthday which will surely come next year and.....i shall act wisely and should not cry over split milk and start writing new resolutions in my dairy that i would love to take on my next birthday.



Hi good day....(Though belated)..Wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY....May the good God bless you with peace , happiness ,success in life and also strength to carry on the good humane deeds .
Nice little blog.....Resolutions are mostly easy to acheive with a bit of motivation...but then there are exceptions. At a younger age loosing weight by diet control and excercise is a bit tough one ....its definitely a poor objective. But the best part is that you are conscious of the need by setting it as a resolution.
I am reminded of an example told by some person.."think of a football match without goal posts' will not be worth watching and playing . Good that you have your goal posts now ,its just the matter of hitting a goal.....ooops the oponents are tough.
Working out like a machine....putting brake on your taste buds....taking diet toooo na thats not natural.....too much mental strain. Health(mental and physical) is wealth we got to care about it ..have to extremes..............regards

Meenal(S)Cheema said...

Thanks Ajith....its always wonderful to receive ur comments. Thanks for being so encouraging.