Monday, August 23, 2010

Doctrine of Impermanence

I am happy for a moment and then for another moment i feel so sad, then for another i am restless, for a second i am worried and thousand thoughts come and go,in and off my mind with the speed of light.
I know "Nothing remains the same for two consecutive moments". This was best understood by me, when i lost my pet of 12 years "snowy". I was married for 4 months and was at my in-laws place when my mother called me and told me that we have lost my googli-moogli, this was what i used to call him with love. He was my best friend during my growing years. I know i could tell him all my secrets and he would never tell them to any body. Still i remember his soft white fur and dark twinkling eyes. But i did not cry when i heard the news. I did not tell this to anybody at my new house. I was not sure if they would understand my feelings for my pet. For others he was just a dog.
I was myself surprised for not crying for the pet whom i have brought home when he was only 7 days. Only one thought was in my mind at that moment and i don't know how and from where it kept revolving my mind and i did not cried.
-: " nothing is permanent"

This thought helped me that day to overcome the sorrow of losing 'snowy'.
And latter in life it helped me in loving people. How?
When i am happy i want to enjoy the happiness fully at that moment because i know it is not permanent.
When i am sad, i try to divert my thoughts as i know that sorrow and grief are also impermanent and there is a new morning tomorrow.
When i am worried, i assure and reassure myself about the impermanence of my worries and move ahead to face the world with my chin up.
The thought has made me a better human being. I feel that if we understand that nothing in this world is permanent, same is about the life, we are here not for gazillion of years, not even for million of years. The Doctrine of Impermanence does not allow us. We are not sure we will get the time to make up with the people we are in dispute or not.....
Give it a thought....



Hi..Nicely presented thought around snowy/googli-moogli.A straight forward idea which most of us fail to acknowledge in our lives.
Change is inevitable.....with time... people, thoughts,ideas,relations and even our outlook changes.As you rightly pointed out,we have to balance our thoughts and mood accordingly keeping in mind the impermanenace doctrine...A sincere thought may definetly help in bringing out the best face of each person.

Meenal(S)Cheema said...

Thanks Ajith....I am always striving to be a better person and i always keep the doctrine in mind and constantly check myself from being unfair, unjust, harsh or rude...