Thursday, July 22, 2010

Unwanted Host

Last Saturday, Mr Cheema asked me to get ready as we had to go and meet his friend.I was reluctant to go anywhere at this short notice. I had just return from work and it was already 7:00Pm.
Any how, i dressed up little more than casually, keeping in mind, his relationship with this friend and his family.
The address was already jotted on a paper 42 B and we reached the given address. The house was at the first floor of the huge plot divided into four big apartments. Mr. Cheema pushed the door bell button. A boy aged 17 came, he did not asked anything and just opened the door and asked us to sit down. We thought as we are already expected by our host, so we should just relax.
The apartment was a huge house. It was no doubt beautifully done. The decoration was just perfect.
The same boy entered with two glasses of water. He left without a single word. We were wondering where our host was!
just after 2 minutes, a man around 45 years of age entered the living room. He had bushy moustaches and thick beard. He was smiling and he came forward and hugged Mr. Cheema. Mr. Cheema looked surprised and i could read his face,that he was not able to recall who this person was.
He asked us politely to sit down and in no time ordered for tea.
In between Mr. Cheema said that he was unable to remember who this man is, I asked him to relax and said that this man could be his friend's father. For a second Mr. Cheema nodded and again turned back and said that his friend is 30 years of age and this man is about 45. I again gave my logic a kick and said that he might be his friend's some other relative,whom Mr. Cheema is not remembering at this moment.
The tea was as perfect as the house. The man was good to talk or i must say he was good at talking.....
For another half an hour he spoke continuously without giving us a chance to bat an eyelid.
We wanted to ask him about the friend and twice or thrice Mr. Cheema tried to make a call to his friend but this man would not let him make a call. He made Mr. Cheema his younger brother, after 10 minutes he made me his daughter, after another 10 min he became my brother, then he made Mr. Cheema his son....Oh my God!this instant relative was giving me nausea and upon it this sudden change of relations was making me angry....very angry.
He gave his contact number and asked us to call him back, we did so, he saved the number.
He started telling how he got this house, how he was a very wealthy person once, then how he became poor and then how he has attained this wealth....after every word he thanked almighty.
I wanted to leave, i was sleepy, i was hungry....and this non stoppable person was getting on my nerves.
Precisely after 1 hour,Mr. Cheema's friend called him and asked about our whereabouts. I could see a relaxed smile on his face and i sensed some hope to escape. He told Mr. Cheema that his address was B-42 and we have landed in a wrong house. Both of us thanked our unwanted host for the tea and asked for leave. But the host had something else on his mind, he said that he has multiple stones in his kidney and he needs to be operated. He said that as we are his relatives...are we?, he wanted some help from us.....the help was just 30,000/- bucks.
I was surprised, how in 1 hour he could make us his relatives and ask for money.
Mr. Cheema also had no answer, he maintained his cool and said that he was not carrying his ATM card and thus can not provide him with money.
The man started crying, he said that we can ask our friend to give him money and latter tomorrow we can return the money to our friend. He was uncontrollable. Mr. Cheema was feeling awkward. And.....
My anger was at its peak and i wanted to thrash him down, though i may not have that strength but i had this urge to hit him hard.
Mr. Cheema, apologised twice or thrice for not able to help him and we rushed towards the staircase. We made a fast escape in the car. On the way, we cancelled our visit to the friend's house and while driving itself, Mr. Cheema called his friend and asked him to excuse us for some days and promised to visit him soon.
When we reached the ridge area near my house. This is near Hindu Rao hospital. The phone ranged and i picked up the phone, the same person said that he was just behind us in a White Zen.
I was shocked, i could not understand why he was following us.
I told Mr. Cheema, by this time he was furious and i could see the usually cool Mr. Cheema annoyed. His jaw tightened. He said that his tolerance is over. He took the phone from my hand and asked the man why he was following us, the other man replied that he could manage with 10,000/- rupees also, if we manage to give him.
We knew this was a serious trouble and the person has our number, he has Mr. Cheema's business card and we can not shrug off this problem from our shoulders unhandled.
Mr. Cheema, took a turn and in no time our car was on the front compound of the Police Station Mauris Nargar.
The man followed us till the Police station, and he entered the compound. He was not scared, he came forward and asked what we were doing there!..
I was so pissed off with this man, and this question was enough for me and i replied, "We have lost 30,000/- bucks and i have this apprehension that this man in whose house we landed by mistake this evening has taken it off and we are going to the Police Station to report the same...".
He was shocked to hear this, it all came unexpectedly and he did not said that he has not taken the money, but he started running in the opposite direction where his car was parked. He was saying," I don't know you people, i have never seen you in my whole life.....i can understand you have been robbed, good you go and report, i have to go...i have something urgent to do...I can not help you my friend"

Who wanted his damn help!

We came out from the Police station, went back home, and i was wondering about this altogether new experience of life within 2 hours....The day ended and i thanked God that we came back home safe.



Hi.. Life throws up a surprise in every node of our journey.....but surprises like these can really catalize the element of suspicion in us and generalise it to all human race.
People who take advantage of the emotional coefficient is nothing new but to a unknown couple was really shocking .
Mutual respect and the tendency to volunteerly help somebody may become a thing of the past with such experinces.
The Blog was beautifully scripted and any reader would be anxious to read onnnn.Nice.Appreciate you guys for putting a brave front and thinking logically to avert any untoward incident..Just reiterating that God cares for the good hearted.

With all respect to the majority of good people,i would like to say Delhi somehow has never been comfortable to me......I have grown down south and had a very rosy picture of Delhi....but my 4 yrs stint in Delhi/Noida working for Metro rail and DNTBP projects changed the entire perception....may be the floating population or the need to survive.or or was it the TOI pages..or may be i interacted with a different section of society...but somehow the HUMANE factor was missing....Ofcourse there are many good people around but they are subdued and just stand spectator to many of the wrong deeds.Now again amidst such people how can we expect to host a commonwealth games with so many guests...Hope God blesses each of us (the bad and the good)and shows us the right direction......thanks for the mind kindling blog....

Hey guys ...take care

Meenal(S)Cheema said...

Thanks Ajith for your know Ajith, when i was a kid, life was wonderful,we never heard of such instances. But now after this episode my faith has shattered and i have become extra conscious...