Friday, July 9, 2010


When i was a little girl, probably 5 or 6 years of age studying was last on my list. Though being intelligent,wit came naturally to me but books made me sleep. Dancing around the house was something i could do best. I was good student always striving to do better but Mathematics was more scary than any other horror movie. My mother work hard hard on me, she would make me sit for hours and solve those sums,one mistake and i was dead, She believed that if i could score excellent in all other subjects than why can't in mathematics. Finally i scored 100% in mathematics in my first standard and got a merit certificate for the same. This was the first and the last time i scored 100% marks in mathematics......and the credit for this goes to my mother.

Years latter when i was in 12th standard. My pre-board result was out. I went to school with my mum on the P.T.M (Parents teachers meeting). I had scored 45% in Political Science ( here i would like to mention that 40% was the passing percent). My Political Science Teacher ( Mrs. Vinoda) asked a very small question to my mother that how a child scoring good marks in other subjects has scored just passing marks in her subject. She was not angry she was just curious, she wanted to know what the problem was, was i not understanding the subject or it is she who was not a good teacher. My mother replied,"no she understands the subjects, once she knows what she is doing, she will leave no stone unturned to get what she wants, I think she will score highest in Political Science." Mrs. Vinoda was surprised as she knew that only 20 days were left for the board examination to begin.
Way back to home my mother was quite most of the time. She did not scolded me. She appreciated my marks in other subjects. She just said, "I know you were always like this bit careless, but i know once you decide its all yours,and it has always been in the past. So,give it a try, 20 days are more than enough for you. I promise i will never ask you to study Pol.Science in your graduation".
After reaching home I picked up my notebook reluctantly. I will not say i worked on Pol.Science day and night,but i must say i worked hard. Soon the exams started, I wrote my Political Science exam. But i never disclosed how the exam was to anybody.....not even to my mother.
Days passed and so the months. My Board result came out. I reached school with my mother. I rushed to the bulletin board were the result was displayed. Here i want to say, that in last few months i was not at all nervous, i was confident, there were no nightmares. But now,suddenly i was nervous. I was afraid not because of the result but the reason was that i could not imagine seeing my mother's belief shattering.
Keeping my fingers crossed i started searching my name....just then i saw my teacher (Mr. Vinoda) all smiles and surprisingly she asked my mother,"She scored 89% in Political Science, how! ". My mother looked at me,her face shining with glow and she replied back," I told you if she knows she can,she will".......I did not bothered to look at my marks in other subjects my friends were kind enough to do that for me...I was just happy as she was happy....
Latter i completed my graduation with Political Science (Hons.) from Daulat Ram College, Delhi University and rest is history....
What she told me while our way home from the parents teacher meeting has been a constant source of inspiration for me. Even today those words and her voice inspire me when i feel desperate...
I wish this post may inspire many others.....Thank you Mum...Love You.


LIFE said...

wowww dost !

you are great !

Meenal(S)Cheema said...

Thanks Nitish....


Wow...a really inspirational one...just took me down the memory lane...nostalgic. Hats off to your mom...thats bonding & understanding the pulse...
