Monday, September 20, 2010

If not a Lawyer!!

I love my work, since childhood i always wanted to be a lawyer.I never thought of any other profession.

Today my neighbour's 12 year old daughter (yes, this was the age when i had decided to become a lawyer) asked me, if i had not been a lawyer then what would i have done in life.I smiled back and said that i would have been nothing else except a lawyer. She looked impressed, i could see in her eyes great appreciation for me.
After she left, i lay down on my couch and started thinking about her question, i had answered her very effortlessly at that time. But i really wanted to know what i could have chosen to do if not what i am doing today. Well, i was myself surprised to know these unknown facts about myself, let me share them with you also:
I could have become a very good Radio Jockey, yes this is the idol profession i could have chosen if not law. I love talking, now i am doing meaningful talk in the court room, then i would have been doing non-stop nonsense, anyways both are equally satisfying for a person who love to express herself in words.
Then, i could have joined Aaj Tak or India TV as their creative director, these are the two news channels which can stretch a single line news for whole day. They can ask the same question 100 times in 100 different ways, this is quite similar to what i do in court, ask same question in different ways to get out what i want from the witness's mouth.
I could have also become a Car Driver, yes this option is always open to me. Who would not like to have a lady chauffeur with an experience of 10 year of excellent driving on Delhi roads. Here i have another added over time money making talent, i am a good car mechanic also, i can fix the engine if it has some routine problem. Unemployment would never have been a issue with me :)
I still remember when i was a kid around 4-5 years of age and i had always seen cleanliness in my house, in my neighbourhood etc, once i got to go to a place with my aunt, i am not able to recall the place but it was somewhere in Delhi only, i can still remember the scenery around. The roads were dirty, all garbage was on the road, people had spitted 'paan' on the staircase. I had never been to such a mess in my 4 years of life. The only thing came in my innocent mind was that i should become a 'Sweeper' and clean the place. I still laugh when i recall this incident,how a cleanliness fanatic i was...don't know how this incident came to my mind now. Anyways, this was also an option i guess....
I think i should stick to what i am, as i m happy enjoying my work, because in few minutes i have become a Driver and a Sweeper, if i continue searching options then god only knows what other options would strike my nasty mind.



Nice free flowing post ...a down to earth one.

Lawyer well..what comes to mind is those flashy dialogues and filmy style arguments....shown in bollywood. My first brush with the courts was at Delhi(Tiz Hazari some 7-8 years ago) as a witness to a site accident case...And i swear i will never like to be in the court....what a mess. May be it has changed now.
Really appreciate your guts and courage to take up this profession for a nice cause.Again its nice to hear that u have become what u wanted to be...
Most of them aspire or dream to become X..Y ...Z but then with time they just go with the flow of life(Includes me )
Best wishes..Hope you touch many a hearts with this profession and make them believe in justice and their rights.

Meenal(S)Cheema said...

Yes Ajith, i don't know why i was always stubborn to follow my dreams. I still remember when i cleared my law entrance there was one Mr. G who visited my home and said to my dad," you will not get a match for your daughter,if she becomes lawyer, people are afraid of lawyer brides". I found it so irritating as marriage was last on my list, i just wanted to study and pursue law.
Look i followed my dreams, married on time and that also with a wonderful person who encourages me to follow my dreams as i am still a dreamer.

Supriya said...

lol...this one was lovely Meenal...As I was reading through your post, the same question was hitting me..okay lemme hit my couch and think over it now ;-)