Thursday, September 23, 2010

An evening well spent....

23th Sep'2010-

Today was less hectic a day, as compared to my other days.
I came back home early( around 5:00 Pm), this was an exception to my otherwise daily late entry ( which is usually 8:00 pm).
I had a very good chat with Mr. Cheema, and i loved to spent this quality time with him. I observed that for the entire evening i was smiling and was quite relaxed.
Then my best friend Sonali, called me, we had a long telephonic chat.She is in U.S so we have not met in last few years. I am so happy she will be a mommy soon. During our entire conversation, i think i had asked her thousand times, how she was feeling...I am really concerned about her.
We talked about our college days, our other friends, the fun we used to have and we laughed a lot.
Then in the late evening i switched on the television, this is also some thing which i do not do often. On Zoom TV , the movie had just started, and it was "Oye Lucky Lucky Oye"...I had not watched this movie before as i hardly watch T.V or movies. I found it very amusing. All through the movie i was smiling,laughing or giggling on various scenes.
After so many days, i have spent such a light evening with an exception of laughing and smiling for not one but three reasons. This was the best evening i have spent in last few months.



Hi..Nice & Simple post ....but reflects how we have started to appreciate things which were normal stuff with the past generation ...
.objectives /targets and visions are important but should not be at the cost of simple stress busters...Hope u have read the story of mayonese jar and coffee...May refersh in this link..
Just wrote down what came to my mind at this moment......Sincerely wish you have many such nice evenings...regards

Meenal(S)Cheema said...

@ajith...yes ajith, small things which were very accessible in the yesteryear have become a luxury now. Earlier cars, fancy cloths, big houses were luxury but now spending time with the family has become a luxury for professionals like us...what an irony.Thanks for reminding me the wonderful story friend.
@ Sonali...miss you too darling, please start your blog, i would love to follow it.

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