Friday, September 10, 2010

Thinking a Lot!

I have observed that in last few days i have been thinking a lot. I myself do not know one specific reason as there is so much going on in my mind together.
I am constantly worried about my mother,she had fever last weak. I am so very worried about her health.She should be taken for her tests regularly and the mere thought of taking her for tests is so horrifying. When her report comes, i am continuously taking my god's name in heart while opening the envelope and once the report is seen and i found all is well, i am relaxed for another 3 months. Then again after 3 months same worries start knocking my mind. There is no day, after she fell sick 3 years back, that i have had a relaxed sleep. Even in sleep i am worried for her. There is a heartache which could never be explained in words.

Another reason, that comes in my mind is that i am working like insane on my dream project and until i achieve my goal i am lost in my own world. I don't feel hungry and find myself day dreaming and when i am not day dreaming i am working on it. Precisely every second, every minute i am into it. When i go and search i found that these thoughts are not hampering me as the one of my mother's health. Just that i am working hard and have not achieved the goal yet and i am in hurry, this is only bothering me. On the contrary, i am enjoying the journey. I am loving it that is why always dreaming about it. May be this is only called living a dream.Yes, i am in hurry but things take time and i have to understand this.

The very next reason that comes to my
mind is that off late i am thinking too much about a baby. I know its 2 and a half years to my marriage and i need at least one. But i have this time problem, I am nurturing my dream as my baby, but i need a actual baby too. I want someone who belongs to me, who is my flesh and blood. I know this sounds too weird in today's time, but this is something we all think, don't we?...just that i am admitting this. I am lucky enough to have a family and a husband who always understand my priorities and had never nagged me to provide them with a baby, they have always left it on me to decide when i want to become a mother. But now i want to start my own family as soon as my project finishes.
Well, these are the only three which i could recall right now, there could be many other worries or thoughts occupying my mind or precisely subconscious mind.



'WORRIES'...Well if i can change the word as 'small challenges in life'it may sound good. life is all about learning and experinces which makes us matured .Am reminded of a saying........ "A Smooth Sea Never Made a Skilled Sailor"
I had personally cocconed myself thinking that God always tested me(only) with challenges..but when after a period of 5 years, i opened up and started sharing my thoughts with others, i found out that my friends were in much worse a situation but were still moving ahead in life.
Its all about how one take it plus the companion/friends/near & dear ones we have ....because they can easily inflence us.You are on a sound footing in this regard so just go ahead with your at a time plz(so that u can channelize the energy for the best).....just dont loose heart Maam.....keep complex thoughts at bay for they do no good except head aches and delays.

Wishing your mama good health and happiness. Also the towering support of you hubby in these times is just ......God bless him.