Thursday, September 30, 2010

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

An evening well spent....

23th Sep'2010-

Today was less hectic a day, as compared to my other days.
I came back home early( around 5:00 Pm), this was an exception to my otherwise daily late entry ( which is usually 8:00 pm).
I had a very good chat with Mr. Cheema, and i loved to spent this quality time with him. I observed that for the entire evening i was smiling and was quite relaxed.
Then my best friend Sonali, called me, we had a long telephonic chat.She is in U.S so we have not met in last few years. I am so happy she will be a mommy soon. During our entire conversation, i think i had asked her thousand times, how she was feeling...I am really concerned about her.
We talked about our college days, our other friends, the fun we used to have and we laughed a lot.
Then in the late evening i switched on the television, this is also some thing which i do not do often. On Zoom TV , the movie had just started, and it was "Oye Lucky Lucky Oye"...I had not watched this movie before as i hardly watch T.V or movies. I found it very amusing. All through the movie i was smiling,laughing or giggling on various scenes.
After so many days, i have spent such a light evening with an exception of laughing and smiling for not one but three reasons. This was the best evening i have spent in last few months.

Monday, September 20, 2010

If not a Lawyer!!

I love my work, since childhood i always wanted to be a lawyer.I never thought of any other profession.

Today my neighbour's 12 year old daughter (yes, this was the age when i had decided to become a lawyer) asked me, if i had not been a lawyer then what would i have done in life.I smiled back and said that i would have been nothing else except a lawyer. She looked impressed, i could see in her eyes great appreciation for me.
After she left, i lay down on my couch and started thinking about her question, i had answered her very effortlessly at that time. But i really wanted to know what i could have chosen to do if not what i am doing today. Well, i was myself surprised to know these unknown facts about myself, let me share them with you also:
I could have become a very good Radio Jockey, yes this is the idol profession i could have chosen if not law. I love talking, now i am doing meaningful talk in the court room, then i would have been doing non-stop nonsense, anyways both are equally satisfying for a person who love to express herself in words.
Then, i could have joined Aaj Tak or India TV as their creative director, these are the two news channels which can stretch a single line news for whole day. They can ask the same question 100 times in 100 different ways, this is quite similar to what i do in court, ask same question in different ways to get out what i want from the witness's mouth.
I could have also become a Car Driver, yes this option is always open to me. Who would not like to have a lady chauffeur with an experience of 10 year of excellent driving on Delhi roads. Here i have another added over time money making talent, i am a good car mechanic also, i can fix the engine if it has some routine problem. Unemployment would never have been a issue with me :)
I still remember when i was a kid around 4-5 years of age and i had always seen cleanliness in my house, in my neighbourhood etc, once i got to go to a place with my aunt, i am not able to recall the place but it was somewhere in Delhi only, i can still remember the scenery around. The roads were dirty, all garbage was on the road, people had spitted 'paan' on the staircase. I had never been to such a mess in my 4 years of life. The only thing came in my innocent mind was that i should become a 'Sweeper' and clean the place. I still laugh when i recall this incident,how a cleanliness fanatic i was...don't know how this incident came to my mind now. Anyways, this was also an option i guess....
I think i should stick to what i am, as i m happy enjoying my work, because in few minutes i have become a Driver and a Sweeper, if i continue searching options then god only knows what other options would strike my nasty mind.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Feeling good....

Well contrary to my last post in this post i shall be sounding bright, enthusiastic and happy. I am grateful to Mr. Cheema who after reading my post took no time to help me execute the otherwise stopped work of my second worry, my 'Dream Project'. He came home and asked me very lovingly about my worries as he had read the post in office and was very upset for me. Before going to bed he said that without wasting a single day he would arrange for all things i need for my dream project. The very next morning he was making calls, it was Sunday and by Monday the actual execution of my thoughts, my plan started.....again and again i am thankful my lord for giving me Mr.Cheema.

My friends Deepti and Karishma, two good souls left no stone unturned to cheer me up. This could be very well seen from the comments they have given on Facebook on my last post.
How can i forget you Ajith, my unknown friend, your comments on the blog are no way lesser in motivating me. This time i did not thanked you on the comment box as i wanted to thank you in one of my post. Look, now i am concentrating one by one on my each worry and i promise you all that your motivating words, concern and support will never get wasted.
I thank you my lord for my wonderful friends and i pray you always bless them.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thinking a Lot!

I have observed that in last few days i have been thinking a lot. I myself do not know one specific reason as there is so much going on in my mind together.
I am constantly worried about my mother,she had fever last weak. I am so very worried about her health.She should be taken for her tests regularly and the mere thought of taking her for tests is so horrifying. When her report comes, i am continuously taking my god's name in heart while opening the envelope and once the report is seen and i found all is well, i am relaxed for another 3 months. Then again after 3 months same worries start knocking my mind. There is no day, after she fell sick 3 years back, that i have had a relaxed sleep. Even in sleep i am worried for her. There is a heartache which could never be explained in words.

Another reason, that comes in my mind is that i am working like insane on my dream project and until i achieve my goal i am lost in my own world. I don't feel hungry and find myself day dreaming and when i am not day dreaming i am working on it. Precisely every second, every minute i am into it. When i go and search i found that these thoughts are not hampering me as the one of my mother's health. Just that i am working hard and have not achieved the goal yet and i am in hurry, this is only bothering me. On the contrary, i am enjoying the journey. I am loving it that is why always dreaming about it. May be this is only called living a dream.Yes, i am in hurry but things take time and i have to understand this.

The very next reason that comes to my
mind is that off late i am thinking too much about a baby. I know its 2 and a half years to my marriage and i need at least one. But i have this time problem, I am nurturing my dream as my baby, but i need a actual baby too. I want someone who belongs to me, who is my flesh and blood. I know this sounds too weird in today's time, but this is something we all think, don't we?...just that i am admitting this. I am lucky enough to have a family and a husband who always understand my priorities and had never nagged me to provide them with a baby, they have always left it on me to decide when i want to become a mother. But now i want to start my own family as soon as my project finishes.
Well, these are the only three which i could recall right now, there could be many other worries or thoughts occupying my mind or precisely subconscious mind.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Birthday Resolutions- Hard to keep!

Every year on my birthday i analyse my entire last year, pat my back myself for my achievements and kick myself for all my small stupid mistakes and big blunders.
Similarly, every year i make resolutions on my birthday. This year was no exception.
Yes, resolutions were different this time.....
I love myself for this, my resolutions are never same, i don't care a damn whether my last resolutions got fulfilled or not.....look i m so progressive :)
So this year:-
Topping the list is my promise to myself to loose weight, this is one resolution i had made first time in life, earlier need never arose.Resolution to exercise daily, very seriously.
The next is that i shall take care of myself, of my breakfast, my dinner and would not for once skip a glass of milk in the morning. Motto of the year-"good health for a good life"

It is not even one weak and these two resolutions are lost from my mind...i m searching hard but unable to find them in any corner of my mind.... I had 2 motichur laddos yesterday, followed by a cad-bury crackle chocolate and then one veg surprise. Yes, the weight loose and health plans are going high.......cheers to me!
Exercise and yoga are good but i hate to disturb my beauty sleep. How can i think of a perfect body on the cost of my facial beauty.....I am not that mindless!
Please do not consider me lazy, i run whole day in courts to get relief for my clients. How could i be lazy?????, no, not at all..

I remember last year i made the resolution to write more. To complete my 12 poems for the Delhi Police calender but till date only seven poems are complete......good job!..... congratulations to me.

I often think:-

I have number of beautiful clothes lying in my closet waiting for their turn to come, they really need some breath, they are dying to come out in the fresh air.....just a little hard work, just few pounds gone here and there could save them....but how can i debar this fat from my body which is now a second skin to me...I have started loving this slightly plump look of myself....

Just after 1 Weeks, i have come to my usual lazy self, running away from work outs, gulping mango drinks, hogging would be exaggeration so i would say eating all that god forbidden stuff... now??

After thinking hard for a better and then best end for this post....i have reached to the conclusion that i shall wait for my birthday which will surely come next year and.....i shall act wisely and should not cry over split milk and start writing new resolutions in my dairy that i would love to take on my next birthday.