Monday, November 15, 2010

Hated to be diagnosed with Chikunguniya!

I was suffering from chikungunya for 20 days and tell u guys it was awfully killing.It has taken away all the energy from my not so energetic body. The temperature never came down from 103 degrees. The body was full of rashes and joints pain was intolerable. For first 3 days the reason for high fever could not be depicted but when on the third day doctor saw red rashes on my face and arms and i said that my hand is paining from 16 places, yes actually 16, i was myself surprised how can a small hand of mine could hurt at 16 places and yes there are more than 16 joints in the hand alone, doctor asked me to have blood test for dengue and chikungunya.

Thank god i was not diagnosed with dengue but honestly chikungunya was no less. Platelets count had decreased and body ached like anything and rashes that too on the face. I was scared to look at myself in the mirror. I could not sleep for more than ten nights.
My work suffered and i hate this.
I was alone with Mr.Cheema in my Delhi house and he was over burdened with work and then my sickness. My darling husband was shuffling between his court hearings and taking me to doctor.
I did not choose to inform my family as did not wanted to disturb my not so healthy parents.
As my fever dropped down to 100 degrees, in no time Mr. Cheema brought me to my in-laws place. I am always great full to almighty for them. With there selfless efforts, care and lots of love i recovered as early as possible.
My latest pic does not even show a single sign of the suffering i went through for more than 20 days.
I went to my farm at Haryana with my family as after so many days of staying at home, i needed some fresh air and i can personally vouch that no place is refreshing than a farm where u can run around, have huge trees to give fresh air, tubewell to provide surplus water and not forget a beautiful family to accompany you. Mr. Cheema was more than happy to see me recovered and in my usual self. He clicked my numerous photos. Otherwise quite and reserved Mr. Cheema enjoyed every single bit of the time we spent with family.
I always love to watch him and enjoy his presence around and though my worked suffered, i went through lots of pain and bad time but i am happy that i got his company for a longer period and he took so much care of me.
Meanwhile one more good thing happened, my dream of started my NGO office in Haryana started taking shape. I shall soon write a separate post to elaborate it.
Now i am perfect, no tiredness, no breathing problem, no rashes.Just healthy and refreshed.
I am so eager and enthusiastic to join my work as soon as possible and most probably by thursday i would be all set to go to office.
I am so thankful to my friends who sent me wishes, prayed for me. May god always bless them.


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