Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Helpless without needing any help....

Recently, i have come across some people in my life who are not only weird but can make u go crazy. There is no story of their lives. They have studied a lot but don't know what they have to do...they crib over being so very educated but have no aims in life...they cry for being not getting respect which they consider they deserve .

They have never earned a penny in their life and spend splendidly....they have every excuse to show their vulnerability but will never leave a chance to attack someone verbally, emotionally or any other possible way....
....they will approach you on every difficult point...cry before you for hours,days and some times your advice... exhaust you to infinity......whatever you do to help them...spend your days listening to that bull shit......running around to comfort them.... waste your time to solve their illogical needs.....console them in their fears......they are back to square one...all your efforts in vain...u want to pull your hair from roots......But you are helpless , they belong to you...they may be your close friends or someone close to your heart or someone a close you don't need any help but you are helpless man...



True... we do get people like these for whom it has become a habit for convenience. Some try the tricks with the vulnerable and considerate contacts . Yup time more important the emotional value which comes out from a selfless person like you is not for the helpless man who needs no help. Staging a fight..rebutting them on face..may not be a good idea..but putting across a polite NO which nearly tends to yes may work out...and in the process if we can ...(if we can...75% not possible)... show them some light regarding hard work to sustain themselves will do great deal to the person....Yes for you(From whatever little i know) to say NO would kindle a bit of guilt....but then rememeber there are more important goals and objectives which you have set in the larger interest and also for your family...take care....regards

Meenal(S)Cheema said...

u r right Ajith.saying NO is the policy...But dear friend there are certain relations where Aa simple No will never be accepted....So i have no other choice to vent it all out in this blog...I know this post is different from my usual chirpy and happy posts but u know we have our days....anyhow i am so thankful for your comments dost.

sridevi said...

totally agree meenal ... these people are parasites and drain u of all the energy u have. they continue managing their lives in whatever manner but leave u feeling miserable ... am trying really hard to stay away from folks who do this to me but some i cannot avoid -just learn to cope...

Meenal(S)Cheema said...

Thanks Sri....u r right dear, doing the same.