Friday, September 23, 2011

Just another Morning!

Well like all other days I got up at the usual time…

Had a glass of milk with soaked almonds….Read the headlines of the TOI.

Gave my maid instructions…..Attended my clients call..(She sounded so anxious)

Prepared the breakfast for Mr.Cheema….(this is some thing i m doing lately for 2-3 months now, after my maid for 3 years left.....and i love cooking for Mr.Cheema)

Had a quick shower…..dressed up in a Second…..put a quick dab of lipstick….

Did a quick inspection of the work done by my maid…..

Gulped few bites of breakfast….Again attended the call of my anxious client…..

Locked the doors and windows……..Checked the doors and windows again ….

Threw my belongings in the back seat of my car…….jumped into the driving seat….and I am off to Court…

Prehaps, just another morning!